Interested in a metal-free option for dental implants? At Pure Dental Care, we’re proud to offer zirconia dental implants to restore your smile and overall well-being after tooth loss. Our dental implant dentists in West Palm Beach, FL, would be more than happy to discuss your tooth replacement options during your next appointment. They’ll also be able to determine if you’re a candidate for zirconia implants.

In the meantime, here are the top 7 benefits of the zirconia implant procedure.

Zirconia Dental Implant Dentists West Palm Beach Florida

1. Aesthetics

Zirconia implants have a tooth-colored appearance, which makes them more aesthetically pleasing compared to titanium implants. They can blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, resulting in a natural-looking smile. With titanium dental implants, you run the risk of seeing metal along the margins of your gum line.

2. Biocompatibility

Zirconia is a biocompatible material, meaning it is compatible with the human body and is unlikely to cause adverse reactions or allergies. This makes zirconia implants suitable for individuals with metal allergies or sensitivities. Zirconia is also great for patients who are interested in metal-free dental implants.

3. Strength and Durability

Zirconia is a very strong and durable material, comparable to titanium. It can withstand the normal biting and chewing forces in the mouth, providing long-term stability and functionality.

4. Minimal Conductivity

Zirconia implants have low thermal conductivity, which means they are less likely to transfer heat or cold sensations to the surrounding tissues. This can result in improved comfort and reduced sensitivity for the patient.

5. Corrosion Resistance

Unlike titanium implants, zirconia implants do not corrode in the oral environment. This corrosion resistance may help in maintaining the overall health of the surrounding gum tissues.

6. Reduced Plaque Accumulation

Zirconia has a smooth surface that discourages plaque formation and bacterial adhesion. This may contribute to better oral hygiene and reduced risk of gum inflammation or peri-implantitis.

7. Potential for One-Piece Design

Zirconia implants can be manufactured as a single piece, eliminating the need for a separate abutment (connector between the implant and the restoration). This simplifies the treatment process, reduces the number of components, and potentially lowers the risk of complications.

Zirconia vs. Titanium Dental Implants

It’s important to note that while zirconia dental implants offer several advantages, the choice between zirconia and titanium implants should be made on an individual basis, considering factors such as the patient’s oral health, bone quality, and the dentist’s recommendation. Each case is unique, and a thorough evaluation by a dental professional is necessary to determine the most suitable implant material for a patient.

To help you choose the best treatment option for your smile, we highly recommend that you schedule an appointment with one of our dental implant dentists.

Schedule a Zirconia Implant Consultation

Our zirconia dental implant dentists in West Palm Beach, FL, are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment and learn if you’re a candidate for zirconia implants, please call Pure Dental Care at (561) 439-4620. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

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