Do you experience dental anxiety or fear? If so, please ask our holistic dentists in West Palm Beach, FL, if you’re a candidate for oral sedation. One of the main advantages of pill sedation is that it helps you to relax and feel at ease in the dentist’s chair while you’re receiving the treatment you need.

Here’s what else you should know about dental sedation and how it can improve your experience during your next visit with us.

Oral Sedation Dentists Near Me

What to Expect

As your appointment approaches, we’ll send your prescription to your preferred pharmacy for pickup. From there, you’ll need to follow our dentists’ instructions for how and when to take the medication before your next appointment.

Oral conscious sedation is safe as long as you take the proper precautions. For this reason, we ask that you please arrange to have a trusted family member or friend drive you to and from our office. Once you take your prescribed medication, you will not be able to safely drive yourself.

Benefits of oral pill sedation include:

  • Safe and easy to administer
  • No needles involved
  • Little to no memory of procedure
  • Feeling of calmness
  • Remain conscious and responsive
  • Reduced dental anxiety and fear

With oral conscious sedation, you’ll have little to no memory of your appointment at Pure Dental Care. This is because the medication we prescribe produces an “amnesia effect.” While you may feel drowsy, you’ll remain awake and responsive during your appointment.

If you have any questions about sedation dentistry, please don’t hesitate to ask our dentists during your next visit. You may also call our office and our team would be more than happy to help you schedule a consultation.

Book an Appointment with Pure Dental Care

Our holistic biological dentists in West Palm Beach, FL, are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment, please call Pure Dental Care at (561) 439-4620. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

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