Aren’t sure if zirconia dental implants are worth the hype? Schedule a consultation with one of our dental implant dentists in West Palm Beach, FL. During your appointment, they’ll help you explore your tooth replacement options and determine if you’re a likely candidate for zirconia implants.

Zirconia Dental Implants Dentists West Palm Beach FL

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about getting zirconia dental implants at Pure Dental Care. If you have any questions that aren’t listed below, please do not hesitate to reach out to our holistic dental practice in West Palm Beach, FL. We’d be more than happy to help!

What are Zirconia Dental Implants?

Zirconia dental implants are a type of tooth replacement option used in implant dentistry. Unlike traditional titanium implants, zirconia implants are made from a ceramic material called zirconium oxide. Zirconia is known for its excellent biocompatibility, durability, and tooth-like appearance, making it an appealing choice for dental implant procedures.

How Do Zirconia Implants Differ from Titanium Implants?

One of the primary differences between zirconia and titanium implants lies in the material composition. While titanium implants are made from metal, zirconia implants are crafted from ceramic. Zirconia implants are white in color, resembling natural teeth, and are often preferred for their aesthetic appeal. Additionally, zirconia’s biocompatibility eliminates the risk of allergic reactions, a concern that some individuals may have with titanium implants.

Are Zirconia Implants Suitable for Everyone?

Zirconia dental implants are generally suitable for a wide range of patients, but each case should be evaluated individually. Factors such as bone health, oral hygiene, and overall health play a role in determining whether a patient is an ideal candidate for zirconia implants. Consulting with a qualified dental implant dentist is crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

What are the Benefits of Zirconia Dental Implants?

There are many benefits of zirconia dental implants. For starters, they are biocompatible, eliminating the risk of metal allergies or sensitivities. Their tooth-like color and translucency provide a natural appearance, particularly important for implant-supported restorations in visible areas. Zirconia’s strength and durability also contribute to their long-term success as they can withstand chewing forces similar to natural teeth.

What Can I Expect When Getting a Zirconia Implant?

The zirconia dental implant procedure is similar to that of traditional implants. It involves surgically placing the implant into the jawbone, allowing it to osseointegrate or fuse with the bone over time. After the healing period, a dental crown or other prosthetic restoration is attached to the dental implant.

What is the Success Rate of Zirconia Implants?

Zirconia dental implants have demonstrated a high success rate, similar to titanium implants. Success depends on factors such as proper case selection, surgical technique, oral hygiene, and regular follow-up care. With appropriate care, zirconia implants can last for many years.

Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation

Our dental implant dentists in West Palm Beach, FL, are accepting new patients! To schedule an appointment and learn if you’re a candidate for zirconia implants, please call Pure Dental Care at (561) 439-4620. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

Book a Consultation for Holistic Dentistry

Our holistic dentists in West Palm Beach, FL, are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment and learn about your treatment options, please call Pure Dental Care at (561) 439-4620. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

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