Have you experienced tooth loss? If so, it’s best to discuss your treatment options with one of our dental implant dentists in West Palm Beach, FL. During your appointment, they’ll help you determine if you’re a likely candidate for dental implants and will advise you on your next steps.

Dental Implants Dentists West Palm Beach FL

In the meantime, here’s what you need to know about the dental implant procedure and what candidates tend to have in common.

Tooth Loss

We can replace any number of teeth with dental implants. Whether you’ve lost one tooth or several teeth in a row, our dentists will be able to develop a treatment plan that’s tailored to your unique needs. For example, we may recommend an implant-supported denture to restore your smile after significant tooth loss. Likewise, we can also place a single dental implant to replace one tooth in your smile.

Sufficient Bone Density

Once you lose a tooth, your body will start to absorb the minerals in your jaw to use elsewhere. If left untreated, this jawbone deterioration can lead to a condition called facial collapse.

As the name suggests, facial collapse means that your profile may appear sunken as your teeth gradually lose more and more support. If you wear dentures, you may find that they slip more often as you lose more bone density in the jaw.

The good news is that dental implant treatment stops bone loss in its tracks. It does this by exerting pressure on the jawbone, replacing the function of the natural tooth root you lost to due decay, injury, or extraction. This pressure essentially tells the body that the bone tissue around the empty socket is still being used.

If you don’t have sufficient bone density to support a tooth implant, please don’t worry. Our team may recommend a bone graft to supplement the tissue you already have. That way, your implant will have the proper support it needs to fully fuse to the jawbone.

A Desire to Improve Dental Health

Do you often wish you had a healthier, more attractive smile? Our dental implant dentists would be more than happy to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. At Pure Dental Care, we believe that every patient should have the opportunity to improve their oral health and live their best life.

If you’ve been interested in improving your oral health, there’s never been a better time to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. During your visit, they’ll be able to fully explain what you can expect with dental implant surgery and the benefits it can bring to your overall well-being.

To be a candidate for titanium or zirconia dental implants, you must also express a commitment to practicing good oral hygiene and seeing our dentists for routine preventive care. The better you care for your smile, the more likely your dental implants will last a lifetime.

Book a Dental Implant Consultation

Our dental implant dentists in West Palm Beach, FL, are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment and learn more about your treatment options, please call Pure Dental Care at (561) 439-4620. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

Book a Consultation for Holistic Dentistry

Our holistic dentists in West Palm Beach, FL, are accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment and learn about your treatment options, please call Pure Dental Care at (561) 439-4620. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

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